Physical Education

Welcome to the CDMS PE Webpage   




P.E. class will be going outside over the course of the entire school year. Please make sure to have clothing for cold, hot and wet weather.  Students are required to have sneakers and we recommend a change of clothes for 6th graders. 7th and 8th grades are required to have sneakers and a change of clothes. Students should also have jackets, hats, gloves, sunscreen, etc.


Please make sure you do not leave anything unlocked in our locker rooms.


Teaching Staff

Mrs. Dolores Pollak  [email protected]

Mrs. Liz Rosenberg [email protected]

Mr. Steven Ricci [email protected]



PE is scheduled on an A/B schedule. Your child will have class either

2 or 3 days each week


Phys Ed is based on a 5 point grade scale which includes:


  1. Preparedness (Comfortable clothes & Sneakers)
  2. Participation (Doing Warm Ups and actively participating in lesson)

  3. Effort (Putting 100% effort/trying their best)

  4. Behavior (Following all directions)

  5. Teacher Observation

Students receive a number grade every marking period

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